Articles by "bad habits"

Showing posts with label bad habits. Show all posts

girl smoking

The effects of smoking cigarettes seem fairly harmless at first. A lot of people see no reason not to try it for a little while, maybe just for a year, when you're young or at work to fit in.

The dilema with smoking is that it slowly creeps its way into, not only your life, but the lives of your family and friends. Its effects are dangerous and extremely painful, not only for those going through them, but those who have to sit and watch. And the worst part is, all the effects of cigarette smoke are avoidable; after all, it's a personal choice to smoke.

If you smoke and haven't already noticed, it takes a huge toll on your physical abilities by cutting into lung capacity. This is awful as you'll begin missing out on sport or recreational exercises and playing with your children or grandchildren.


Don't forget, too, that your family will all be missing this time with you as well: no one wins. And it gets worse: emphysema and cancer can ultimately be the result of all the lung damage. These diseases will leave you, not just on the sidelines, but in a hospital bed.

The next level of damage is inflicted on those around you- everyone around you. All those who come into regular contact with you, regardless of age or sex, such as co-workers to waiters. Even if they are non smokers, is in danger from the effect of you smoking.

addicted to cigarettes

Tens of thousands of people die each year from second hand smoke. Luckily, new laws have begun to make it illegal to smoke in a lot of public places, safe guarding those who work and play in our cafes, parks, museums, and bars. Perhaps the most tragic victims of second hand smoke, though, are not necessarily those who die from it after 30 or 40 years of exposure.

Children who have no choice but to breathe their parents' or grandparents' second hand smoke every day are at very great risk. Not only are their lungs getting just as contaminated, but their changing bodies are at a extreme risk of being jeopardized in their growth.

Kids' immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, and musculovascular systems are all on at risk in the face of second hand smoke, and they can't do anything about it; young children can't exactly move out and take are of themselves. If the effects of smoking don't stop today; future generations will feel the sting of your bad habits.

smoking reduce your live

Quitting is a major consideration for those worried about the effects of smoking on, not only themselves, but loved ones around them. The future is at stake for thousands of friends and strangers, but more importantly, for entire generations.

If you don't want strangers touching your baby or wouldn't approve of your five year old eating food off of the floor, why would you let them breathe in some of the dirtiest air imaginable every day? To stop smoking is hard, but perhaps even more difficult having those around you battle with something they didn't agree to.

future generations will feel the sting of your bad habits

Morning coffe

Many people throughout the so-called developed world rely upon their morning coffee to get going for the day.

They crave this liquid brewed from beans to give them morning and afternoon pick-ups and often follow meals with a cup of coffee. But the very coffee they use to give them a pick-up may be killing them.

Bodies need to maintain a constant alkaline blood pH of about 7.4 on the pH scale. Ideally this applies to body fluids as well.


When we consume food or liquids with an acid pH the pancreas works overtime to draw magnesium, calcium and potassium from our food and then bones and organs to counteract the acid to maintain the balanced pH. If it can't do so readily, the body creates fat so that it can store acids for waste disposal at a later time.

Depleting our bodies of these essential nutrients that many do not consume in adequate portions due to poor diet, we cause our bodies to begin pulling stored minerals from tissue and bone to maintain itself.

The body works to maintain vital organs and we begin to experience ailments and disease as the body sacrifices itself to try and protect itself. This is the cause of cancer, diabetes, pain, respiratory, urinary, prostate, intestinal and so many other illnesses. We add to the duduk perkara by looking to drugs for relief when they simply add to the cause of the illness.

Coffee doesn't has any nutritional benefit and instead contains over 200 acids. The perk people feel from coffee is actually the energy produced by the body trying to neutralize these acids. This is not a good thing.

The pancreas expends excessive energy trying to counter the effects and to keep the body at the required pH balance. We think this feeling of our body working overtime makes us more aware and vitalized, but it is slowly killing us.

People often cite caffeine as the reason to drink coffee. Caffeine may have some benefit to the body, but is more commonly used as a non-nutritive stimulant to give the feeling of energy. Remember that caffeine greatly reduces the body's ability to absorb potassium, a very important nutrient to the body. Caffeine definitely works as a stimulant and is included in all manner of diet supplements.

coffe with friends

Those who have used caffeine as a part of a weight loss kegiatan can attest it does not produce lasting results. Combined with other pharmaceutical products in a weight loss stack, it is never recommended that the combination be continued long term, as in the case of Phen-Fen, Ephedra and other products. Again, this is all simply adding to the deficits in our bodies.

Coffee is slowly killing you. Simply changing what you drink can give your body a chance to reverse the negative effects of years of coffee drinking. The negative effects may take years to manifest to noticeable levels, but they can be reversed in a relatively short period. Whether you drink caffeinated or decaf coffee, consider the ultimate effects on you.

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