I don't know how truthful this is, but it does brand sense. Sounds only similar something God would do. Here is only a brusk listing of examples of Whole Food Signatures.
A sliced Carrot looks similar the human oculus The pupil, iris too radiating lines await only similar the human eye...and YES scientific discipline at i time shows that carrots greatly lift blood menses to too component of the eyes.
A Tomato has 4 chambers too is red. The pump is carmine too has 4 chambers. All of the interrogation shows tomatoes are indeed pure pump too blood food.

Grapes hang inwards a cluster that has the sort of the heart. Each grape looks similar a blood prison theater mobile telephone too all of the interrogation today shows that grapes are too profound pump too blood vitalizing food.
A Walnut looks similar a niggling brain, a left too correct hemisphere, upper cerebrums too lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut only similar the neo-cortex. We at i time know that walnuts aid railroad train over iii dozen neuron-transmitters for encephalon function.

Kidney Beans truly heal too aid hold kidney component too yes, they await just similar the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb too to a greater extent than await only similar bones. These foods specifically target os strength. Bones are 23% sodium too these foods are 23% sodium. If yous don't cause got plenty sodium inwards your diet the trunk pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Eggplant, Avocadoes too Pears target the wellness too component of the womb too neck of the woman soul - they await only similar these organs. Today's interrogation shows that when a adult woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted nascence weight too prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? ... It takes just nine months to grow an avocado from bloom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemica l cons tituents of nutrition inwards each i of these foods (modern scientific discipline has alone studied too named close 141 of them).

Figs are amount of seeds too hang inwards twos when they grow. Figs growth the motion of manful soul sperm too growth the numbers of southward perm a southward good to overcome manful soul sterility.
Sweet Potatoes await similar the pancreas too truly residuum the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assistance the wellness too component of the ovaries

Grapefruits, Oranges , too other Citrus fruits await only similar the mammary glands of the woman soul too truly assistance the wellness of the breasts too the campaign of lymph inwards too out of the breasts.

Onions await similar trunk cells. Today's interrogation shows that onions aid clear waste matter materials from all of the trunk cells They fifty-fifty reach tears which launder the epithelial layers of the eyes
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