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White peony root

Peonies are members of the same botanical family as the buttercup, Ranunculaceae, and belong to the genus Paeonia. They originated in Asia, and have been cultivated in both Japan and China for at least several centuries, perhaps even a millennium. Peonies are an early ground-breaker, producing reddish shoots as early as April in the Northern Hemisphere.

They are a tall plant, ranging from 1–5 ft (30–150 cm) in height. Their branching stems produce glossy deep green leaves that taper to a point on each end, and grow up to 5 in (12.5 cm) in length. The peony root is brownish in color and tuberous.

The peony flowers are produced at the tips of the branching stems. Beginning as globular buds that produce a sweet, sticky exudate that attracts ants (that do no harm), these buds slowly open into large, showy flowers with diameters up to 10 in (20.5 cm) wide. The peony is an extremely long-lived plant, especially for a flowering one. It is not uncommon for peonies to live for a hundred years.


They prefer moist, humus-rich loam and either full or partial sun. If peonies become overcrowded, the plants must be divided, and at the end of the growing season, it is best to cut the stems off at ground level and mulch for winter protection.

Though there are literally hundreds of hybrid varieties that have been developed over the centuries, most peonies share both a common origin and fairly similar characteristics. Many resemble a herbaceous shrub.

Others that originated in western China have woody stems and are called tree peonies. Tree peonies do not die back completely in winter. In addition, tree peony root and red peony root are considered separate entities in traditional Chinese medicine.

Blooming white peony

Classification of these flowering plants is often based on when they bloom. The earliest produce blossoms in late April (in southern areas) or early May. Others flower in mid- or late May and into June. Another means of classifying peonies is based upon the shape of their flowers. Single peonies form a circle of five or more petals radiating symmetrically outward from a middle ring of yellow stamens, or male procreative structures.

Japanese peonies have a similar appearance, but the stamens are both more narrow and more level and produce no pollen. Other varieties are either semi-double or double. Semi-double peonies have multiple rings of petals circling around visible stamens. Double peonies produce concentric rings of showy petals that hide the stamens.

Most of the varieties of peony admired in flower gardens today are hybrids of the two original species of this plant, Paeonia officinalis and Paeonia lactiflora, which differ slightly in appearance.

white peony plant
Paeonia officinalis is the species most often seen in gardens and used as an ornamental flower. It reaches heights of 1.5-2 ft (45-60 cm) tall and its subspecies have a remarkable variation of colors. This species produces creeping roots that help to spread the plant.

Paeonia lactiflora, also called Paeonia alba or white peony, is the plant most often used in herbal medicine, particularly in Chinese herbal medicine. White peonies grow to 3 ft (1 m) tall, and are among the later-flowering peonies, coming into bloom in May and June in most climates. They have a sweeter scent than Paeonia officinalis.

Despite the name of white peony, flowers can be several hues other than white depending upon the subspecies. There are rose-pink and scarlet varieties, as well as white peonies ornamented with other colors. White peonies can be either single, semi-double or fully double. Paeonia rubra, or red peony, is a separate herb.

General use

Under the name bai shao, white peony root is used in many diverse Chinese herbal formulas. It is considered a herb with strong blood-toning characteristics, used to treat the imbalance of blood in the body, cooling and providing nourishment to the blood and activating circulation.

More specifically, red peony root is used to treat heat rash, to correct poor circulation and to stop hemorrhages. White peony root is used for irritability and muscle cramping, vaginal discharges, excessive menstrual bleeding, and excessive sweating. It is also given to treat a large variety of gynecological disorders and to avert miscarriage.

In the databases developed by the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, white peony root (from both Paeonia albaflora and subspecies Paeonia albaflora trichocarpa) has been shown to have chemical properties that restore the normal functioning of the digestive system; act as a laxative; relieve pain; reduce or stop spasms or seizures; lower blood pressure by dilating arteries; and improve the nutrition of blood.

Peony root appears to have some positive effects in treating anemia, some types of cancer, convulsions, gastritis, hypertension, and some gynecological problems. It can also be used as an emmenagogue, which means that it can bring on a woman’s menstrual period.


Powdered peony root is used in combination with other herbs used in Chinese herbal medicine, including apricot seeds, bupleurum, inula, cyperus, clematis, corydalis, ginseng, licorice, pueraria, rehmannia, dogwood, and gardenia.

The classic Chinese blood tonic is a mixture of rehmannia, dang bui, cnidium, and white peony. A Western herbalist suggests combining white peony with nettles and yellow dock for treating mild anemia or blood deficiency.


Chinese herbalists advise against using white peony root when cold-deficiency diarrhea is present.

Western readers should remember that Chinese herbal medicine is based upon individual prescriptions developed for each patient and his or her unique symptoms. Chinese herbs should not be taken, either individually or in formulas, unless a practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine is first consulted.

Wheat grass

Wheat grass, sometimes written as wheatgrass or wheat-grass, is a young green wheat plant (genus Agropyron) harvested before it develops grain kernels and turns the traditional yellow color associated with wheat stalks.

Wheat grass is commonly prepared as a juice, and is consumed either alone, or as a mixture with other juices.

Wheat grass is a source of many nutrients. Differences between samples of wheat grass due to variable growing conditions, quality of seed, and other factors including dose amounts and form will produce variable amounts of nutrients in any single dose of wheat grass.


The following is a partial list.

Although wheat grass contains a wide range of amino acids and other nutrients, the concentrations are low. Relatively large quantities of wheat grass may be required in order to provide significant nutritional benefits.


There is no well documented history of consumption of wheat grass. Wheat is one of the oldest crops known, and was cultivated as long as 9,000 years ago in the Euphrates Valley of the Middle East.

At least one company has claimed that ingestion of wheat grass dates from the Essenes, a Jewish sect of about the first century A.D. Contemporary use seems to have originated with Ann Wigmore (1909–1994). Ms. Wigmore may be credited with many of the theories concerning enzymes, grasses, and living foods.


Wheat grass, depending on the dose, is a dietary supplement, although the concentrations of some nutrients may be low. The sellers of wheat grass have made a large number of claims for the product.

The following list is representative, but not complete.
  • cure cancer
  • cure chronic fatigue syndrome
  • detoxify liver
  • purify blood
  • neutralize pollutants
  • improve energy
  • improve circulation
  • slow aging
  • increase immunity
  • protect against biological warfare


Wheat grass is usually grown indoors, either commercially or for personal use. The grass is harvested while still green, and before the wheat kernels have developed. The juice is extracted either with stone grinding, as with a mortar and pestle, or with a manual juicer. High-speed juicers are considered unsuitable, either because they will oxidize the chlorophyll or destroy the enzymes.

Wheat grass juice, according to Ann Wigmore, should be consumed within 30 minutes of juicing.

Wheat grass has a taste that has been described as pungent, however one manufacturer disputes these claims, and maintains that the product has a watermelon or green tea taste.


Wheat grass may be purchased in a variety of ways. Kits are available, containing seed, soil, and pots, so that users may grow their own supplies. Alternately, the cut grass is available in packages of 8 or 16 ounces.

Powders and tablets made from dehydrated wheat grass are marketed.


No special precautions are required. Because wheat grass juice does not contain gluten, the principle allergen in wheat, the juice may be expected to be safe even for people with wheat allergies.

Side effects

There are no established side effects of wheat grass.

Research and general acceptance

wheat grass juice

Wheat grass has not been accepted into conventional medicine at any level. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the German Commission E have not reviewed the validity of wheat grass therapy claims.

While some of the claims made for wheat grass are based on laboratory studies, there do not appear to be clinical studies or any form of confirmation from human studies of any form.

While wheat grass contains a large assortment of nutrients, the concentrations are low, and a large volume of juice or powder would be required in order to make a significant contribution to health. Arguments regarding the of benefits orally ingested enzymes have been generally rejected, because enzymes are destroyed during digestion.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat kernel. It is separated from wheat being milled for flour. Wheat germ is sodium and cholesterol free, and dense in nutrients.

It is rich in vitamin E, magnesium, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, thiamine, and zinc. It is also a source of coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid). Two tablespoons of wheat germ contains 65 calories, 6 grams protein, 2 grams of unsaturated fat, and 2 grams of fiber.

General use

Wheat germ is a food source, and is part of the breads and cereals food group. Its high vitamin and mineral content make it an extremely nutritious food. Wheat germ contains the following nutrients.


  • Vitamin E. One cup of wheat germ contains 19.5 mg of vitamin E, and one tablespoon of wheat germ oil is packed with 26.2 mg of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which is thought to protect the immune system.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium assists the body in producing and transferring energy, and helps to maintain heart, bone, muscle, and circulatory system health.
  • Pantothenic acid. The panthothenic acid in wheat germ helps the body process and use energy from food, and metabolizes cholesterol and fatty acids. There is approximately 1.24 mg of pantothenic acid, also called vitamin B5, in 0.5 cup wheat germ. The U. S. recommended daily allowance (RDA) of pantothenic acid is 5 mg/day.
  • Phosphorus. A quarter cup serving of wheat germ contains 232 mg of phosphorus. Phosphorus helps build bones and teeth and assists in metabolism. Adults should consume approximately 700 mg of the mineral daily.
  • Thiamine. Thiamine, one of the B complex vitamins, is essential to normal growth, and to building healthy skin, muscle, bones, and hair. It also promotes normal functioning of the nervous system, and helps the body to metabolize alcohol. One cup of wheat germ contains 1.08 mg of thiamine, and the RDAs for men and women are 1.2 mg and 1.1 mg, respectively.
  • growth, immune system function, and hormone production.
  • Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10, or ubiquinone, is an antioxidant that assists cells in transferring energy and oxygen.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). PABA helps to maintain the balance of intestinal flora, or bacteria.

Wheat germ is also high in fiber, and contains approximately 1 gram of fiber per tablespoon. A diet high in fiber can be useful in regulating bowel function (i.e., reducing constipation), and may be recommended for patients at risk for colon disease, heart disease, and diabetes.


Wheat germ is used extensively in animal feeds, but for human consumption, wheat germ cereals and wheat germ oil are the two most popular preparations of the grain. Both are available in most grocery and health food stores.

A jar of vacuum-packed wheat germ can be safely stored up to one year unopened. Opened jars should be refrigerated, where they can be stored up to nine months if stored properly and tightly sealed.

To increase fiber and nutrients in bread and cereal recipes, wheat germ may be used to replace 0.5–1 cup of regular flour.


Because wheat germ contains fat, proper cold storage is necessary to prevent spoilage.

Side effects

There are no known side effects to wheat germ consumption at normal dietary levels.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious disease that causes classic spasms (paroxysms) of uncontrollable coughing, followed by a sharp, high-pitched intake of air, which creates the characteristic whoop of the disease’s name.

Whooping cough is caused by a bacterium called Bordetella pertussis. B. pertussis causes its most severe symptoms by attaching itself to those cells in the respiratory tract that have cilia.

Cilia are small, hair-like projections that beat continuously, and serve to constantly sweep the respiratory tract clean of such debris as mucus, bacteria, viruses, and dead cells.

When B. pertussis interferes with this normal, janitorial function, mucus and cellular debris accumulate and cause constant irritation to the respiratory tract, triggering coughing and increasing further mucus production.


Whooping cough is a disease that exists throughout the world. While persons of any age can contract whooping cough, children under the age of two are at the highest risk for both the disease and for serious complications including death.

Apparently, exposure to B. pertussis bacteria earlier in life gives a person some, but not complete, immunity against infection with it later on. Subsequent infections resemble the common cold.

It is estimated that as many as 120,000 persons in the United States get whooping cough each year. The number of cases has been increasing, with the largest increases found in older children and adults. Between 1993 and 1996, the number of cases increased by 40% in five-to nine-year-old children, 106% in 10–19 year olds, and 93% for persons aged 20 years and older.

Causes and symptoms

Whooping cough has four stages that partially overlap: incubation, catarrhal stage, paroxysmal stage, and convalescent stage.

A person usually acquires B. pertussis by inhaling droplets carrying the bacteria that were coughed into the air by someone already suffering with the infection. Incubation is the symptomless period of seven to 14 days after breathing in the B. pertussis bacteria, and during which the bacteria multiply and penetrate the lining tissues of the entire respiratory tract.

The catarrhal stage is often mistaken for an exceedingly heavy cold. The patient has teary eyes, sneezing, fatigue, poor appetite, and an extremely runny nose (rhinorrhea). This stage lasts about 10–14 days.

The paroxysmal stage, lasting two to four weeks, begins with the development of the characteristic whooping cough. Spasms of uncontrollable coughing, the whooping sound of the sharp inspiration of air, and vomiting are all hallmarks of this stage.

The whoop is believed to occur due to inflammation and mucus that narrow the breathing tubes, causing the patient to struggle to get air into his/her lungs; the effort results in intense exhaustion. The paroxysms (spasms) can be induced by overactivity, feeding, crying, or even overhearing someone else cough.

The mucus that is produced during the paroxysmal stage is thicker and more difficult to clear than the more watery mucus of the catarrhal stage, and the patient becomes increasingly exhausted attempting to clear the respiratory tract through coughing. Severely ill children may have great difficult, maintaining the normal level of oxygen in their systems, and may appear somewhat blue after a paroxysm of coughing, due to the low oxygen content of their blood.

Such children may also suffer from swelling and degeneration of the brain (encephalopathy), which is believed to be caused both by lack of oxygen to the brain during paroxysms, and also by bleeding into the brain caused by increased pressure during coughing. Seizures may result from decreased oxygen to the brain.

Some children have such greatly increased abdominal pressure during coughing that hernias result (hernias are the gila protrusion of a loop of intestine through a weak area of muscle). Another complicating factor during this phase is the development of pneumonia from infection with another bacterial agent, which takes hold due to the patient’s weakened condition.

If the patient survives the paroxysmal stage, recovery occurs gradually during the convalescent stage, usually taking about three to four weeks. However, spasms of coughing may continue to occur over a period of months, especially when a patient contracts a cold, or other respiratory infection.


Diagnosis based only on the patient’s symptoms is not particularly accurate, as the catarrhal stage may appear to be a heavy cold, a case of the flu, or a simple bronchitis.

Other viruses and tuberculosis infections can cause symptoms similar to those found during the paroxysmal stage. The presence of a pertussis-like cough along with an increase of certain specific white blood cells (lymphocytes) is suggestive of pertussis (whooping cough). However, cough can occur from pertussis-like viruses.

The most accurate method of diagnosis is to culture (grow in the laboratory) the organisms obtained from swabbing mucus out of the nasopharynx (the breathing tube continuous with the nose). B. pertussis can then be identified by examining the culture under a microscope.

Researchers believe that as many as 90% of the cases are not diagnosed, mainly because of the nonspecific symptoms displayed by adults. An adult who has been coughing for months may have whooping cough.

Recent advances in the accuracy of diagnostic tests based on polymerase chain reactions (PCR) are now being applied to whooping cough. Researchers in Seattle are presently working on a PCR-based test for Bordetella pertussis that will improve the speed as well as the accuracy of diagnosing whooping cough.


Whooping cough should always be treated with antibiotics and never with only alternative therapies. The following complementary therapies may reduce symptoms and speed recovery. Supportive treatment involves careful monitoring of fluids to prevent dehydration, rest in a quiet, dark room to decrease paroxysms, and suctioning of mucus. Sitting up during coughing attacks may help.


The following herbal remedies may help to support antibiotic treatment of whooping cough:
  • bryonia (Bryonia alba) tea: spasmodic coughing
  • butterbur (Pinguicula vulgaris) infusion: infection and spasms
  • evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) oil
  • jamaican dogwood (Piscidia erythrina) root or bark: spasms
  • lobelia (Lobelia inflata) tea or tincture: spasmodic coughing
  • pansy (Viola tricolor) tea or tincture: spasms
  • red clover (Trifolium pratense) tea
  • santonica (Artemisia cina) powder, tablets, or lozenges
  • sea holly (Eryngium planum) infusion: infection and spasms
  • skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) powder, extract, or tincture
  • sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) infusion: infection and spasms
  • thyme (Thymus vulgaris) infusion: infection and spasms
  • wild cherry (Prunus serotina) bark infusion or syrup: infection, and spasmodic coughing


Homeopathic remedies are chosen based upon the family of symptoms displayed by each patient. Remedies for symptom families include:
  • Drosera: dry and tickly feeling in throat; violent coughing that induces vomiting; symptoms worse after midnight.
  • Kali carbonicum: dry, hard, hacking cough at 3 A.M.; puffy eyelids; exhaustion; chilly feeling.
  • Coccus: coughing worse when warm; drinking cold water brings relief; vomiting stringy, transparent mucus.
  • Cuprum: coughing spasms cause breathlessness and exhaustion; blue lips; toe and finger cramping; drinking cold water brings relief.
  • Kali bichromicum: coughing up yellow, stringy mucus.
  • Belladonna: stomach pain before coughing; coughing worse at night; retching with coughing attacks; red face; puffy eyelids.
  • Ipecac: sick feeling most of the time; paleness, rigidity, breathlessness, and then relaxation precede vomiting.

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners use a combination of herbals, acupuncture, and ear acupuncture to treat whooping cough during each stage. Yi Zhi Huang Hua (Herba solidaginis) decoction or a decoction of Bai Mao Gen (Rhizoma imperatae), Lu Gen (Rhizoma phragmitis), and Si Gua Gen (Radix vascularis luffae) may be taken for the early stage of whooping cough. Gasping cough can be treated with a mixture of Wu Gong (Scolopendra) and Gan Cao (Radix glycyrrhizae).

Other remedies

Other remedies may assist in the treatment of whooping cough.
  • Dietary supplements include vitamins A and C, beta carotene, acidophilus, lung glandulars, garlic, and zinc.
  • Dietary changes include drinking plenty of fluids, eating fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole grain toast, vegetable broth, and potatoes, and avoiding dairy products.
  • Juice therapists recommend orange and lemon juice or carrot and watercress juice.
  • Hydrotherapy treatment consists of wet clothes or other material applied to the head or chest to relieve congestion.
  • Aromatherapy uses essential oils of tea tree, chamomile, basil, camphor, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, or thyme.
  • Osteopathic manipulation can reduce cough severity and make the patient feel more comfortable.

Allopathic treatment

Treatment with the antibiotic erythromycin is clearly helpful only in the very early stages of whooping cough, during incubation and early in the catarrhal stage.

In general, however, physicians have used this antibiotic both for treatment of whooping cough itself and to prevent its spread to others in the patient’s community. This type of preventive measure is known as prophylaxis.

Unfortunately, the benefits of antibiotic prophylaxis and treatment for whooping cough are limited because erythromycin-resistant strains of B. pertussis have spread throughout the United States since the first case of erythromycin resistance was identified in Arizona in 1994.

Although erythromycin is still used as of 2003 for both treatment and prophylaxis of whooping cough, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is monitoring the five resistant strains of B. pertussis that have been identified so far.

Expected results

Just under 1% of all cases of whooping cough cause death; in 2000, only two deaths from whooping cough were reported in the United States. Children who die of whooping cough usually have one or more of the following three conditions:
  • Severe pneumonia, perhaps with accompanying encephalopathy.
  • Extreme weight loss, weakness, and metabolic abnormalities due to persistent vomiting during paroxysms of coughing.
  • Other preexisting conditions, so that the patient is already in a relatively weak, vulnerable state (such conditions may include low-birth-weight babies, poor nutrition, infection with the measles virus, presence of other respiratory or gastrointestinal infections or diseases).


The mainstay of prevention lies in the immunization program. In the United States, inoculations begin at two months of age. The pertussis vaccine, most often given as one immunization together with diphtheria and tetanus (called DTP), has greatly reduced the incidence of whooping cough. With one shot backed with a 70% immunization rate, two shots increase it to 75–80%, and three to only 85%, it is not a guarantee.

A new formulation of the pertussis vaccine is available. Unlike DTP, which is composed of dead bacterial cells, the newer acellular pertussis vaccine is made up of two to five chemical components of the B. pertussis bacteria. The acellular pertussis vaccine (called DTaP; when combined with diphtheria and tetanus vaccines) greatly reduces the risk of unpleasant reactions, including high fever and discomfort at the injection site.

Because adults are the primary source of infection for children, there has been some talk in the medical community about vaccinating or giving booster vaccinations to adults. A recent increase of pertussis cases among adults in France has led several French medical schools to recommend booster doses of vaccine for adults.

Wigmore diet

The Wigmore diet is named for its creator, Ann Wigmore. She devised a nutritional system called the Living Foods Program, based on a combination of wheatgrass juice, live sprouts, and fresh raw foods. It is thought that this dietary regimen, which is sometimes called raw nutrition, detoxifies and rebuilds the body.

Persons following the Wigmore diet also avoid using denatured processed commercial foods or anything containing chemicals, especially pesticides. Although the Wigmore diet is essentially a vegetarian diet, its distinctive feature is its emphasis on eating foods in their uncooked state.


The Wigmore diet was developed during the 1960s by Ann Wigmore, a woman who was born in Eastern Europe in 1909 and emigrated to the United States after World War I. She credited her grandmother with teaching her natural healing methods.


She did not, however, use this folk wisdom immediately but returned to it after years of ill health that included colitis, headaches, and arthritis. When she finally learned that she had cancer, she returned to her grandmother’s healing methods in order to regain her health.

After testing the results of a diet based on sprouts and wheat grass juice in her own life, she wanted others to benefit from what she had learned. Ann Wigmore founded the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston in 1963, which still teaches her methods of self-healing through a live-foods diet.

Although Ann Wigmore died in a fire in 1993, her diet still attracts new followers. In recent years, the Hippocrates Institute has opened branches in southern California and Florida.


The Wigmore diet is based on the assumption that the high levels of living enzymes in fresh raw foods, particularly wheat grass juice and fresh sprouts, provide the body with substances needed to detoxify and regenerate it.

In addition to increased vitality and a strengthened immune system, the Wigmore regimen is thought to help individuals overcome some serious diseases, including arthritis, digestive tract problems, allergies, and even cancer.



Perhaps the essence of what she taught could best be described by Ann Wigmore herself: “Live foods nutrition is super nutrition because it recognizes and appreciates the differences between raw and cooked foods and between natural and synthetic nutrients.

In the conventional nutrition-school curriculum there is little room for a discussion of either the value of enzymes and life forces in foods, or the merits of live (raw) versus cooked foods. Yet the difference, when translated into health terms, is the difference between being vitally healthy and alive, and just breathing.”

The Wigmore diet classifies foods into four major groups: living foods, which include sprout mixtures, sunflower and buckwheat baby greens, living sauerkraut, and the fresh juices of wheat grass and barley; raw foods, which include fresh organic vegetables and ripe fruit, spices, herbs, and raw nuts; whole cooked foods, which include steamed or boiled vegetables, cooked whole grains, and baked root vegetables; and processed fast foods, which include all forms of “junk foods.” People following the Wigmore diet believe that most human diseases are caused when a person’s diet contains mostly foods in the last two groups.

Practitioners of the Wigmore diet encourage people to think of enzyme and oxygen levels as “bank accounts.” The more oxygen and enzymes that can be stored in the cells, the healthier one feels. It has been shown that eating certain foods will maintain enzymes and oxygen at optimal preferred levels.

Other notable features of the Wigmore diet include its emphasis on wheat grass as a “living food medicine” and food combining as a key to good digestion. Wheat grass has been credited with more healings than any other factor in the kegiatan because it is supposed to be rich in over 90 enzymes and minerals that are needed to build up the blood and immune system.

wheatgrass juice

People following the Wigmore diet are encouraged to drink at least two 2-ounce servings of wheat grass juice every day. In addition, wheat grass enemas of 4–8 ounces can be taken “as often as possible” for best results during the detoxification process.

Food combining in the Wigmore diet is based on the assumption that certain food combinations cause stomach cramps, indigestion, bad breath, intestinal gas,or lowered energy levels.

Foods are divided into nine groups: proteins (poultry, fish, dairy products, miso, and yeast); pre-digested proteins (nuts and seeds); starches; vegetables; acid fruits (citrus fruits and sour fruits); subacid fruits (apples, apricots, most berries, and peaches); sweet fruits (bananas, dates, and all dried fruits); melons; and neutral foods (avocados and lemons). Melons are to be eaten alone. While meals made up of foods from any one category are a good combination, for example, fruit and starch are a bad combination.

Another important point in the Wigmore diet is drinking water. Tap water is considered unsuitable, and some form of filter should be used. Distilled water or spring water are preferred.


Preparations for the Wigmore diet include a gradual departure from less healthy foods; cleansing the digestive tract with aloe vera or similar products; and encouraging good digestion by eating food at room temperature as often as possible and eating raw or living foods before any cooked foods.

It is thought that the cooked foods hold up the digestion of raw and living foods, causing intestinal gas. Ann Wigmore’s The Sprouting Book discusses the proper preparation of the sprouts that play such a prominent role in her diet.


Like all natural therapies, the Wigmore diet will be more effective if environmental as well as nutritional pollution of all types is avoided, and if a generally healthy lifestyle is followed. Such spiritual practices as meditation, visualization, and joining or starting a Living Foods support group are considered important features of a healthy lifestyle.

Side effects

Practitioners of the Wigmore diet warn people to expect certain side effects from detoxification, which is considered a key principle in the Living Foods lifestyle. The diet is believed to clear toxins from the body that have accumulated over years of poor nutritional habits. These toxins are released into the bloodstream and lymphatic system for eventual excretion.

During the detoxification process, the dieter may feel less energetic and uncomfortable in their body. The kegiatan recommends daily non-strenuous exercise, high fiber intake to cleanse the colon, daily dry skin brushing over the entire body, and the use of spirulina (blue-green algae) products to ease the side effects of the detoxification process.

As the Wigmore diet is a purely organic regimen, and avoids the use of medications and all chemicals, the risk of other side effects is minimal. Nevertheless, some individuals will be unable to tolerate this diet, and others may be allergic to the foods that are prescribed.

Research and general acceptance

As with many holistic therapies, the Wigmore diet is met with skepticism from allopathic physicians. On the other hand, there are many clinical cases and testimonials consistent with Ann Wigmore’s predicted benefits.


Though several different plants are called by this name, true wintergreen is Gaultheria procumbens, a lowgrowing species of shrub common in sandy coastal regions and woodlands of eastern North America from Georgia to New Foundland.

It is a member of the heath, or Ericaceae, family. Other names by which wintergreen is known include aromatic wintergreen, boxberry, Canada tea, checkerberry, deerberry, ground berry, mountain tea, partidgeberry, spice berry, teaberry, and wax cluster.

Wintergreen plants have creeping underground stems from which small reddish stalks grow, normally less than 6 in (15 cm) high. Wintergreen leaves are spoon-shaped and less than 0.5 in (1 cm) in length. They are bright green, shiny, and have a leathery appearance. They are attached in tufts near the tip of a rigid, slender stalk.


In June or July, wintergreen plants produce tiny wax-like, urn-shaped flowers, which are either white or pink in color. These unusual flowers are often difficult to find because the plant’s leaves and other ground covers on the forest floor hide them so well.

The fruit of the wintergreen, a startlingly brilliant red berry, appears in late autumn through the winter, and is much more visible than the wintergreen flower. Wintergreen is an evergreen plant, and even beneath deep snow it retains its shiny green leaves and scarlet berries.

Wintergreen leaves and berries are edible. In their natural state they have no particularly noticeable odor. The leaves have a tart, spicy, astringent taste, while the berries are sweet, with a unique, pleasant taste, which is often used in flavorings.

Wintergreen leaves were formerly carried in the United States Pharmacopoeia,but now only the oil distilled from them is listed. But in many countries the whole plant is still used.

When wintergreen leaves are distilled, they impart an oil, which is made up of 99% methyl salicylate, the chemical compound upon which all aspirin products are based. Before being distilled, wintergreen leaves have to be steeped in water for nearly a day before the oil will develop through fermentation.

It is only after this fermentation and the chemical reaction of water and one component, gaultherin, that wintergreen emits its characteristic, pleasant aroma. Chemists have learned how to synthetically produce an oil with many of the same properties and a very similar product, also called oil of wintergreen, is extracted from the sweet birch tree, Betula lenta.

Wintergreen flowers

The name wintergreen is also sometimes applied to two other members of the genus Gaultheria, as well as three other unrelated plants:
  • Gaultheria hispidula is also called wintergreen. It is supposed to remove the predisposition to cancer from the body.
  • Gaultheria shallon, sallol, is found in northwest America. Its berries are edible and quite tasty.
  • Pytola rotundiflora is also known as false wintergreen or British wintergreen. It was formerly used as a vulnerary.
  • Chimophila umbellata and Maculata are both called by a variety of names: bitter wintergreen, rheumatism weed, spotted wintergreen, or pipsissewa. North American natives used these two herbs for the treatment of indigestion, rheumatism, scrofula, and as a diuretic.
  • Trientalis europaea, or chickweed wintergreen, is native to England and was used in the past externally in an ointment used in healing wounds, and internally as a tea to treat blood-poisoning and eczema.

General use

Wintergreen oil is used as flavoring for candies, chewing gum, and medicines. With eucalyptus or menthol, it is often used to flavor toothpaste and other dental products. The berry, often called checkerberry, is used for flavoring candies. It is sometimes used as a tea by itself, or combined with tea as a flavoring; hence its name teaberry.

Medicinally, wintergreen leaves are taken internally as a decoction to treat nephritis and bladder problems. It is used as a diuretic, for the treatment of neuralgia, as a systemic tonic, to stimulate menses, and to aid in bringing on lactation after childbirth. It has also been used to relieve children’s headaches. Leaves have also been used for headaches and other pains, and as a gargle for a sore throat and mouth.

Externally, oil of wintergreen is widely used in liniments for the relief of muscular-skeletal pain, both from sports injuries and arthritis. Because of its aromatic and pain-relieving qualities, the oil is used in a number of products in aromatherapy, including stress-reducing pulse point creams, foot scrubs, and balms.


Wintergreen leaves can actually be picked at any time of year, but summer is the most opportune time for gathering them. They must be dried in the shade to prevent loss of the volatile oil contained in the leaves, and should be stored in an airtight container in a dark, cool place.

A decoction can be made by mixing 1 c (240 ml) of boiling water with 1 tsp (1.5 g) of the dried wintergreen leaves and allowing the mixture to steep for 15 minutes. This tea may be taken up to three times per day.

Wintergreen and its parts

Oil of wintergreen, as noted previously, is made by first steeping wintergreen leaves in water for at least 24 hours, and then allowing this mixture to ferment and release its oil. Fermentation is known to have occurred when the characteristic wintergreen aroma is released.

This oil is sometimes used externally in dilute solutions in combination with other products such as aloe and lanolin to produce ointments, but either the oil extracted from sweet birch or the synthetic version are more apt to be used.


Oil of wintergreen should not be taken internally. In the past, it has been given in a capsule form to treat rheumatism, but excessive doses of it have actually caused death due to severe inflammation of the stomach and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Side effects

True oil of wintergreen, distilled from wintergreen leaves, is very rapidly absorbed by the skin and often causes severe skin irritation and painful, hive-like skin eruptions.

Wild oat

Wild oat (Avena sativa) is a member of the grass family native to Scotland. There are approximately 25 varieties of the oat plants, and oat is now grown throughout the world.

Avena sativa is the species that is used in herbal remedies. The mature seed of the oat plant is used as a cereal grain. However, much of the plant is used to maintain good health and to remedy disease conditions.

Before maturity oat seeds are in a liquid phase, and they are collected for use in tonics that treat nervous conditions. Wild oat is usually in this stage for two weeks during August.


The seeds mature in the late summer and early fall. If harvested then, the seeds are rolled or ground into oatmeal. If the seeds aren’t harvested at that time, they are referred to as groats.

Once the seeds are harvested, the straw from the plant can be cut up and brewed as oatstraw tea. And the husks surrounding the seeds are used as oat bran.

The only part of this grain that is not used in alternative medicine is the root.

Wild oat is also known as oat, groats, oatstraw, and straw.

General use

Avena sativa is Latin for wild oat, a name that does not provide the complete picture of this grain’s use in alternative and conventional medicine. The old saying “sowing your wild oats” is based on the observation that stallions given wild oat experienced greater sex drivesis.

wild oat ilustration
Wild oat was thought to have the same effect on men, although that has never been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, dietary supplements containing wild oats are still advertised and sold as boosting the male sex drive.

Wild oat may not be an aphrodisiacis or a means of promoting fertility, but the grain has numerous other health benefits.

In the past, people recovering from illnesses ate oatmeal because it was easily digested. Doctors advised overworked people to drink a beverage consisting of wine and oats. The drink was said to restore nervous energy. Oatmeal also served as a treatment for skin conditions.

In contemporary times, oatmeal is acknowledged as a rich source of bran and fiber. The grain is associated with treating high cholesterol . Whole oatis products with at least 0.02 oz (0.75 g) of soluble fiber in each serving can reduce the risk of heart diseaseis.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed manufacturers to make that statement, and add that the fiber product must be part of a diet that is low in cholesterol and saturated fat. A study published in the summer of 2002 reported that oat cereal is superior to wheat cereal in lowering LDL cholesterol levels in adult males.

A new use for the beta-glucans (complex carbohydrates) contained in oats is in the manufacture of functional foods for the management of Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. Functional foods are a relatively recent category of foods.

They are not currently defined by any government regulatory body, but are commonly understood to be any potentially healthful food or food ingredient that may provide health benefits beyond the traditional nutrients it contains. Functional foods are sometimes called nutraceuticals.

Oat fiber is also used as a substrate, or growing medium, for Lactobacillus and other bacteria that are introduced into the digestive tractis of patients suffering from severe infections of the pancreas.

The “good” bacteria in the intestines help the body to fight off infections elsewhere in the digestive system. The oat fiber provides the bacteria with nourishment without causing any side effects to the patient.

Furthermore, pregnant women can benefit from the calcium and other trace nutrients found in oat straw.

Wild oat is recognized as a natural antidepressant and a mild sedative. It acts like a tonic to the nervous system, providing both nourishment and balance. Oat tea or an oat Bach flower remedy is used as a nervine (preparation given to calm the nerves).

In these capacities, wild oat can be used to treat conditions including headaches, depression, tension, insomnia, anxiety, and feelings of sadness. Wild oat is also a remedy for nerve pain and chronic fatigue.

Oatstraw can be used to ease emotional anxieties and to treat skin conditions such as rashes, psoriasis, burns, eczema, warts, and insect bites.

An oatmeal pack may be used to treat skin conditions. The oatmeal facial is a popular treatment for promoting smoother skin because the textured oat sloughs off dead skin when used as a mask or scrub. An oatstraw bath can provide more relief for skin conditions and neuralgia.

Wild oat is also believed to help with nicotine withdrawal, a remedy recommended by German doctors. The wild oat extract is said to be effective when used for this purpose, and oat cereal is also said to be helpful.


Wild oat is available in various forms and is used in various alternative medicine traditions such as homeopathy. Commercial preparations include oatstraw tea, tincture, and the wild oat Bach flower remedy (a liquid concentrate called a stock). The packaged oatmeal sold in the grocery store can also be used for treatments.

Wild oat tea, which is also known as an infusion, is made by pouring 1 c (240 ml) of boiling water over 1–3 tsp (1.5–3 g) of the dried straw. The mixture is steeped for 10–15 minutes and then strained. Wild oat tea should be drunk three times a day.

When wild oat tincture is used, the dosage is 1 oz (1 mL) taken three times a day.

Wild oat can be combined with skullcap and mugwort to provide relief from depression and to improve sleep.

A flower remedy

Flower remedies are liquid concentrates made by soaking flowers in spring water. Also known as flower essences, 38 remedies were developed by homeopathic physician Edward Bach during the 1930s. Bach’s wild oat remedy is taken to resolve conditions such as career anxiety and uneasiness about a lack of direction or commitment.

The daily dosage of the Bach wild oat flower remedy is 2–4 drops (1/8–1/4 ml) taken four times each day. The drops can be placed under the tongue or added to a glass of water. Another remedy is to add some stock to the bath water.

Oat baths

An oatstraw bath can provide relief for irritated skin and neuralgia. A bath is prepared by boiling 1 lb (500 g) of shredded oatstraw in 2 qt (0.95 L) of water. After boiling for 20 minutes, this mixture is strained and used in the bath. Another option is to place cooked rolled oats in a bag and the bag is put in the bath.


Wild oat has not been associated with any health risks when taken in proper dosages, according to Physician’s Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines, the 1998 book based on the findings of Germany’s Commission E. The commission is the German counterpart of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The European group’s findings about herbal remedies were published in a 1997 monograph.

However, people diagnosed with gluten sensitivity ( celiac disease) should consult with a doctor or health practitioner to determine if they can safely take wild oat internally.

Side effects

There are no known side effects associated with designated dosages of wild oat.


There are no known interactions associated with the use of wild oat and other medications or herbs.

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